Take free online child development courses to build your skills and advance your career.
Learn child development and other in-demand subjects with courses from top
universities and institutions around the world on edX.

What is Child Development?
Child development is typically defined as the progression by which children change and acquire
knowledge, behaviors, and skills as they progress through childhood. The study of child
development generally observes five specific areas: motor and physical, cognitive, social and
emotional, communication, and adaptive abilities. In assessing child development, child
behavior is monitored through multiple child development stages – from baby development up
until adolescence. Specific developmental milestones are tracked at various stages, with close
attention paid to baby milestones. Academic work in child development also seeks to determine
the effects of child care, parenting traits, and early childhood education on a person’s overall

Research in these areas is the backbone of many child development theories. There are
specific credentials that can be earned for work in a child development job. For example, the
Child Development Associate credential, or CDA, is a widely recognized credential in early
childhood education (ECE). CDA certification can help advance a career in ECE. Currently,
there are many opportunities to earn a CDA online. The skills required for work in Child
Development include critical thinking, research, analysis, and communications. Also, as much of
this work requires direct interaction with children, many employers seek a high level of
emotional intelligence and a warm disposition. In addition to academic and clinical positions, this
work can also prepare learners for related roles in the private sector.

Online Courses in Child Development                                                                                            There are numerous opportunities online to prepare for a career in Child Development.
University of Washington offers Positive Behavior Support for Young Children, which takes
learners through evidence-based models that promote social-emotional development for young
children. St. Margaret’s Episcopal School’s Introduction to Psychology covers child development
as part of its coursework. In addition, University of Michigan offers a MicroMasters credential in
Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research.

Jobs in Child Development
The job site Indeed lists more than 19,000 open positions related to Child Development.
Positions include Social Worker, Child Development Specialist, Youth Development Supervisor,
Behavior Analyst, and Child Development Center Director.
Explore a career in Child Development
A career in Child Development offers an opportunity to shape young minds through a deep
understanding of how human beings learn and grow. Hundreds of online courses await learners
with a desire to make a difference.

Take free online child development courses to build your skills and advance your career.
Learn child development and other in-demand subjects with courses from top
universities and institutions around the world on edX.

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