By: Agrayah Victor

Young people everywhere have the energy, drive, passion and the innovation to birth transformation in every sector if they are given the opportunity to do so and trained to have adequate skills.

Over the years, the average Nigerian youth’s potential has been underutilized due lack of job opportunities.

Those unlucky enough not to attend school, often find it difficult to access vocational training due to financial challenges and poor training centres across the country.

According to the 2018 report from the National Bureau of Statistics, In Q3 of 2018, the unemployment rate for young people aged 15 to 24, stood at 36.5%, and 24.4% for those aged 25 to 34, making the total youth unemployment rate 29.7% for Q3, 2 018. This represents a 4.2 percentage point increase in the youth unemployment rate compared to Q3, 2017.

To bridge this gap in skill acquisition and employment opportunities, Dewdrop Institute was established as a platform to provide certified professional training for persons in sectors with high demand for skilled labour.

Dewdrop offers training in Hospitality/Tourism, Agriculture and Care sectors in Nigeria. Our primary goal is to reduce unemployment especially among women and youths in Nigeria, through providing globally certified, quality technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and by linking supply with demand for skilled labour in Health and Social care (Caregiving), Hospitality Services/Management, Agribusiness, as well as providing support for MSMEs. Since 2016, the Institute has trained over 400 women and youth in the aforementioned areas, in addition to linking them with job and opportunities for starting their own business.

Dewdrop Institute (DDI) is a Vocational Institute founded in 2016, and duly registered with relevant government authorities in Nigeria such as the CAC, Federal Ministry of Health and Federal Ministry of Education, FIRS etc.

DDI is the training arm of the Non-Governmental Organization, Dewdrop Foundation, and has accreditation from the foremost globally renowned vocational training institute, City and Guilds UK.

On this special day, Dewdrop Institute joins the rest of the world to celebrate every youth out there, especially the Nigerian youth, for their hard work and resilience. We hereby pledge our endless support to always make a refreshing change in the society through all of our transformative training programs.

Happy international youth day!



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