Basic Communication

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About Course

Goals: This course is designed to enable students to acquire the necessary communication skills, know the techniques of correspondence and comprehend written materials and spoken words.

General Objectives:

1.0 Understand the concept of communication.

Week 1

  1. Explain the concept of communication
  2. Analyze the process of communication and discuss the organs of speech.
  3. Discuss the concept of writing, speech and body language in communication.

Week 2

  1. Analyze the purposes of communication.
  2. Discuss the relationship between communication and language (verbal or non-verbal)
  3. Discuss the use of Lingua franca, Nigerian languages (including Pidgin) in communication

Week 3

  1. The teacher explains the impact of interference on communication at various levels, e.g. phonological, syntactic, etc
  2. The teacher also discusses code-mixing, code-switching and dissonance in communication.

Week 4

  1. The teacher makes oral presentations: Label a diagram of the organs of speech and describes the functions of the organs in 2.1 above speech production.

Week 5

  1. The teacher lists the phonemes of English and asks the students to produce correctly each of the phonemes listed.

Week 6

  1. Teacher activity: Pronounce correctly by making distinctions between the different sound contrasts in the consonantal and vowel systems of English

Week 7

  1. Teacher activity: Demonstrate the principles of effective speaking, viz, correct use of stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns.
  2. Read a passage fluently

Week 8

  1. List the various types of correspondence, e.g. letter, memo, circular  and other correspondence tools.
  2. Explain the various parts of  a letter

Week 9

  1. Differentiate between formal and informal letter formats
  2. Explain the characteristics of styles suitable for formal and informal letters

Week 10

  1. Teachers activities: Explain the functions of the first, middle and last paragraph
  2. Write an informal letter

Week 11

  1. Discuss main ideas in a given passage
  2. Differentiate the main ideas from the details in a passage

Week 12

  1. Use the main idea to anticipate specific details in a passage
  2. Use context clues to aid comprehension

Week 13

  1. Identify relationship patterns of ideas in a passage
  2. Use context clues such as definitions, restatements and examples to derive meaning.

Week 14

  1. Explain how affixes modify meanings
  2. Interpret figurative language in a passage

Week 15

  1. Draw conclusions from available information


Note from instructor…

I will not bore you 🙂

I take my courses very seriously but at the same time, I try to make it fun since I know how difficult learning from an instructor with a monotone voice or boring attitude is. This course is fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.

My Approach

Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over in the lectures. I also created a small application that you will be able to download to help you practice. To top it off, we will build have weekly group meetings where you can chat with your fellow students and gain further insight, assistance and support.


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