COVID 19 Infection Prevention and Control

Categories: Health
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We have been concerned about the misinformation being shared worldwide and in Nigeria about the COVID-19 epidemic. How did this disease develop? Where did it come from? How does it cause diseases?

The world has been startled and frightened by the rapid spread of this virus throughout the world. Many want to know how does this disease present, what are the symptoms associated with COVID-19? How dangerous is COVID-19? Who is at risk of dying? All these questions will be answered in addition to how is this disease is best treated and how can we slow the spread of the infection?

In addition to the videos multiple choice questions are included to test your understanding and there is an epidemiology peer reviewed exercise designed to teach you how this infection is spread and to show the power of the tracing of cases and isolating those who are infected. The second peer review exercise will encourage you to create a campaign to shift your countries culture to embrace behaviors that can lead to suppression of the epidemic, behaviors that will save lives. After completing this course you will be armed with the knowledge and skills to make a difference and help to bend the curve.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand how this coronavirus invades respiratory epithelial cells, grows in the nasal passages and spreads to alveoli to cause hypoxia.
  2. Recognize the clinical symptoms of COVID-19 disease and be able to diagnose this disease
  3. Describe what makes this coronavirus so infectious, how it has spread quickly throughout the world and how best to stop its spread.
  4. List the recommended treatments for COVD-19, as well as the treatments under investigation

Upon completion, candidates will be able to:

  • State the requirements for Covid 19 prevention.
  • Describe coronavirus role and responsibilities in the workplace
  • Explain how to ensure the rights of others are respected during training activities
  • Explain why it is important to wear PPE and Sanitization best practices.


Note from the instructor…

This course is extremely serious and I will try to make it relaxed since I know how difficult the subject matter is. When you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.

My Approach

Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over in the lectures. I also created a small application that you will be able to download to help you practice. To top it off, we will build have weekly group meetings where you can chat with your fellow students and gain further insight, assistance and support.

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Course Content

COVID 19 Introduction
A brief introduction to Covid 19 and what you need to protect yourself, your staff and your business.

  • Aim and Outcome
  • What is Covid 19?
  • What are the symptoms of Covid 19?
  • 10 Tips to Stay Safe
  • Facts About covid-19
  • Covid Assignment 1

How Covid-19 spreads
According to current evidence, COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes

Covid 19 Symptoms
COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness such as fever,dry cough and tiredness

Covid-19 Treatment
If an individual has symptoms that show covid 19 signs they should self isolate or contact a medical professional

Test Covid-19 Introduction;How covid-19 Spreads;Covid-19 symptoms and Covid-19 Treatment

Covid-19 Risks
Covid-19 is affecting everyone and that also touches the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions.

Case study:Meet Alice

Covid-19 in schools
The need to take care of children in an Educational environment and to be aware of the necessary procedure to take care of educational facilities is important

Case Study:Meet Mary
Meet Mary is a case study about keeping children safe from covid-19 at a her daycare center

Covid-19 in the work place
Covid-19 protocols in the work place protect the health and safety of staff in the work place.

Test;Covid-19 Risks;Covid-19 in schools;Covid-19 in the work place

Covid-19 and the Law
Being aware of the Laws that are in place for covid-19 help and protect individuals.

Conclusion Quiz