Elder Care

Categories: Elder Care
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About Course

Learning Outcomes

Candidates will be able to:

  • Describe who an elderly person is
  • List some of the basic needs of the elderly
  • Mention common health conditions of the elderly
  • Outline the challenges faced by the elderly
  • Provide personal care services for elderly clients

Note from the instructor…

I will not bore you 🙂

I take my courses very seriously but at the same time, I try to make it fun since I know how difficult learning from an instructor with a monotone voice or boring attitude is. This course is fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.

My Approach

Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over in the lectures. I also created a small application that you will be able to download to help you practice. To top it off, we will build have weekly group meetings where you can chat with your fellow students and gain further insight, assistance and support.

off, secure and fasten all garments and as appropriate, any braces, artificial limbs or other surgical or medical tools.
Feeding: the ability to feed oneself Toileting: the ability to use the lavatory or manage bowel and bladder function through the use of protective undergarments or surgical appliances if appropriate
Mobility: the ability to move indoors between rooms on level surfaces

Transferring: the ability to move from bed to an upright chair or wheelchair, and vice versa
Safety &
Security: Prevention of accident and from all forms of elder abuses

Routine Medication

Because Millions of websites and applications (the majority) use PHP. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like freelancer or Odesk. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it.

I will not bore you 🙂

I take my courses very seriously but at the same time I try to make it fun since I know how difficult learning from an instructor with a monotone voice or boring attitude is. This course is fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.

Just think! We all grow old.

Nigeria is yet to enact a National Policy on the care and welfare of older persons. Since March 2003 it has remained in draft form. In the coming years, the ageing population in Nigeria is expected to increase in numbers and life expectancy rates will gradually increase with significant social and economic implications to the individuals and the Nigerian government.)

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